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Char B.1 bis & Renault FT.17

"A model construction kit consisting of the most famous French tanks of World War II the Char B.1 bis and the Renault FT. 17.

- Diorama base with a ruined house

- Rotatable turret

- Flexible soft plastic tracks

Authentic representation of the following versions:

- 8. BCC, 2. DCR, France 1940

- 15. BCC, 2. DCR Crécy, North France, May 1940

- German Forces, France 1943-1944 (captured by German occupation forces)

- 37. BCC North France 1940

- 1. Companie, 3. Section, 29. BCC, 2. Armee, North France 1940

- German Luftwaffe, France 1940-1943 (captured by German occupation forces)

- Anti-Partisan Role in the Balkans 1943-1944 (captured by German occupation forces)"

A model construction kit consisting of the most famous French tanks of World War II the Char B.1 bis and the Renault FT.17. Scale 1/76. 96 parts. 13,1 cm length. Suitable from 12 years.


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Drift & produktion: Wikinggruppen

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